Children Cancer Hospital of Egypt (CCHE) 57357 - Egypt

General information:


The Children’s Cancer Hospital of Egypt (CCHE) 57357 is one of the most inspiring stories in recent times about how a dream of a few dedicated citizens to alleviate suffering for Egyptian children with cancer became a reality by rising to the challenge of creating a new healthcare system becoming an icon of change and a beacon of hope for millions.


The Pediatric Oncology Fellowship training program is an innovative, collaborative project between Children Cancer Hospital Egypt foundation 57357 (CCHE) and Dana Farber Boston Children Cancer and Blood Disorders Center (DF/BC) to develop and conduct a post-doctoral training program in Pediatric Oncology for physicians from Egypt, and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The program curriculum is adopted from the American Academy of Pediatric Oncology curriculum.


The center also provides short-term observer ships/training for physicians and other pediatric hematology oncology-related disciplines. 


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Grants' options and details


POEM group provides grants for accepted applicants in the below programs:


  1. Short-term observership (2 to 6 weeks)
  2. Short-term training (6 weeks to 6 months). Note: a strong justification detailing the reason and need for this training is required. In addition to that, the trainee must be involved with on-hand work and not only observership.
  3. Long-term training (fellowship). 



Training Programs

Short-term training (6 weeks to 6 months)

Long term (fellowship)

Short-term observership (2 to 6 weeks)